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upcoming EVENTs:

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PiZZA lunch

with phillip

You get pizza, a drink and an opportunity to practice your English

Cost: 50 uah

Location: Prospect Dmytra Yavornitskogo, 67 (Karla Marxa , 67)  Suite No.44 | 4th floor

Meetings coordinator:  +38 063 109 17 68 - Olga

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information meeting with

yuri serdechney

"I'm ready to help you reach any level or pass any exam"

Location: Prospect Dmytra Yavornitskogo, 67 (Karla Marxa , 67)  Suite No.44 | 4th floor

Meetings coordinator:  +38 063 109 17 68 - Olga

board games and english

Bring a game
Bring a friend

Cost: 70 uah

Location: Cafe Fish Andrey ( вул. Князя Володимира Великого, 13 )

Meetings coordinator:  +38 063 109 17 68 - Olga

Speaking Evaluation

Native speakers from Buckeye English  invite you for a free assessment of spoken English.

Cost: FREE

Location: Prospect Dmytra Yavornitskogo, 67 (Karla Marxa , 67)  Suite No.44 | 4th floor

Meetings coordinator:  +38 063 109 17 68 - Olga

past EVENTs:


Real Life American English

Buckeye English

Украина, Днепр.

Design by Zayceva Tatyana

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